Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Photo courtesy of Barbara Lee Fitzsenry

Future Advance Foundation is pleased to welcome you 
to Chiang Mai, Thailand!

Located 700 km (435 miles) north of Bangkok in a verdant valley on the banks of the Ping River, Chiang Mai was founded in 1296 as the capital of the ancient Lanna Kingdom. Today it is a place where past and the present seamlessly merge with modern buildings standing side by side with venerable temples.  

Chiang Mai is a land of misty mountains and colourful hill tribes, a playground for seasoned travellers, a paradise for shoppers and a delight for adventurers. The beauty of the mountains, hill tribe villages, and botanical gardens attracts millions of tourists to Chiang Mai every year. You can also enjoy a zoo and aquarium, a nocturnal zoo, and classic Northern Thai temples and architecture which are a fusion of Lanna, Mon, and Burmese styles. 

On a trip to Chiang Mai, the curious traveller can expand their horizons with Thai massage and cooking courses, a variety of handicrafts and antiques, plenty of lively nightlife, and wonderful cuisine. Despite its relatively small size, Chiang Mai truly has it all. 

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